Friday, January 27, 2012

Lazily Mediterranean

I LOVE couscous-  The great, quicker cooking cousin to rice and pasta.
OK, that's not true since its really just tiny pasta pieces.
But it seems like rice.
But its not.

Anyway, just boil water and 5 minutes later your done.
5 minutes to dinner=Awesome.

The great thing about this dish is that it seems exotic to me.  Mediterranean definitely.  A bit Middle Eastern.  And yet- 5 minutes and FOUR ingredients.  Diced tomatoes would also be a good addition, but I'm out of them and I rarely run to the store at the last minute for anything.  I also like to top it with parmesan.
So- there you are.  Another 5 minute meal :)

My favorite is:

Jar of quartered marinated artichoke hearts
can of garbanzo beans (aka chick peas)
1 cup coucous
1 1/4 cups of broth
(the above = 4 servings)

Add it all together, boil it, take it off the heat and let it sit 5 minutes, fluff with a fork and enjoy the delicious simplicity.

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