This mothering thing is hard. I love the mom part, I don't so much like the other junk that goes with being a Stay At Home Mom. I'm out to do a good job, with as little effort as possible. At least the least effort on the unimportant parts. Loving my kids and helping them become the best versions of themselves- for that even I am willing to put forth as much effort as possible. For everything else- I just want to be lazy. Laundry. Cleaning. Cooking. I want to work smarter not harder.
Why write a blog about laziness? Do I really think that being lazy should be glorified? Not really. OK, I do. OK not really. Kind of. But not totally.
It seems so many think they should cook like Giada from the Food Network, dress like Stacey from What not to Wear, and be a decorating and crafting diva like Martha Stewart. Seriously? What I do think is that we need to step back and look at our REAL priorities. Our children. Our spouses. Do they care if our house is perfect? (Perfectly decorated OR perfectly clean) Do they care if they get gourmet meals every night? (I know MY kids certainly don't). So, why spend all our time aspiring to those things?
This should be every mom's goal, Smarter not Harder, it gives you more time to play with the kids.